Casting Call – Live from the Sword Coast: Diero Dundragon 4th Level Fighter – 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons

Diero Dundragon


Male Human Criminal Fighter 4
Neutral Good
Representing Steve Morris

Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 11 (+0)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 11 (+0)
Size: Medium
Height: 6′ 3″
Weight: 230 lb
Hair: Light Brown Wavy; Beardless

Maximum Hit Points: 36
Hit Dice: 4d10
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 15 = 10 + 3 [chain shirt] + 2 [dexterity]

Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative modifier: + 2 = + 2 [dexterity]
Attack (handheld / thrown): + 5 = + 2 [proficiency] + 3 [strength]
Attack (missile / finesse): + 4 = + 2 [proficiency] + 2 [dexterity]
Strength save: + 5 = + 2 [proficiency] + 3 [strength]
Dexterity save: + 2 = + 2 [dexterity]
Constitution save: + 4 = + 2 [proficiency] + 2 [constitution]
Intelligence save: + 0
Wisdom save: + 1 = + 1 [wisdom]
Charisma save: + 0
Insight (passive): 11 (16 with advantage)
Perception (passive): 13 (18 with advantage)

Languages: Common Chondathan

Unarmed strike [+5 to hit; 1+3 bludgeoning]
Handaxe [+5 to hit; 1d6+3 slashing, 3 lb, light, thrown (range 20/60)]
Battleaxe [+5 to hit; 1d8+3 slashing, 5 lb, versatile (1d10 slashing)]
Chain shirt [medium; + 3 AC; max dex + 2; 20 lb.]


Sharpshooter No disadvantage on long range; range attacks ignore half and three quarter cover; can take -5 on ranged attacks to do +10 damage
Skill Name Key Ability Skill Modifier Ability Modifier Trained? Misc. Modifier
Acrobatics Dex 2 = +2
Animal Handling Wis 1 = +1
Arcana Int 0 = +0
Athletics Str 5 = +3 + 2
Deception Cha 0 = +0
History Int 0 = +0
Insight Wis 1 = +1
Intimidation Cha 0 = +0
Investigation Int 0 = +0
Medicine Wis 1 = +1
Nature Int 0 = +0
Perception Wis 3 = +1 + 2
Performance Cha 0 = +0
Persuasion Cha 0 = +0
Religion Int 0 = +0
Sleight of Hand Dex 2 = +2
Stealth Dex 4 = +2 + 2
Survival Wis 3 = +1 + 2

At fighter level 4, as a battle master you know 3 maneuvers.
Disarming Attack – When he hits a creature with a weapon attack, Diero can spend 1 Sup die to attempt to disarm. Add sup die to damage roll and target makes Str save DC 13 or drop an object carried to its feet.
Maneuvering Attack – When he hits a creature with a weapon attack, Diero can expend 1 Sup die to the damage roll and a friendly creature who can see or hear him can move up to half its speed without provoking an attack from Diero’s target.
Precision Attack – When he makes a weapon attack, Diero can expend 1 Sup die and add it to the roll, he can add this die before or after the roll.


  • You have underworld contacts.
  • You are probably an accomplished forger.
  • Consider bringing thieves tools and gaming set / playing cards.


  • Most fighters are proficient in riding a mount.
  • This fighter selected the two-weapon fighting style, and can add the ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
  • Second Wind: As an action, regain hit points equal to 1d10+4 (1d10 + your fighter level). Once per period between short rests.
  • Level 2: Action surge — use it to take an extra action on a turn. Must take a short rest before using again.

Battle Master Fighter (martial archetype)

  • Level 3: Combat superiority — four d8 superiority dice, three maneuvers.
  • Level 3: Student of war — proficiency with blacksmith tools.

First Ability Score Improvement: Feat

Diero Dundragon’s Personality Traits:
Slow to Trust: Those who seem the fairest often have the most to hide.

Diero Dundragon’s Ideal:
Redemption: There’s a spark of good in everyone.

Diero Dundragon’s Bond:
I will become the greatest rebel that has ever lived.

Diero Dundragon’s Flaw:
I turn tail and run when things look bad.

Casting Call – Live from the Sword Coast: Diero Dundragon 4th Level Fighter – 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons

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